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Writers and Web Publishers

Leet De-Deet is a Literary Marketing Group that promotes Authors and their Creations.

Sign up now during this exclusive pre-launch period to be a Founding Member of this innovative community!

Become a member for $50 per year. Not only will your website's Google search ranking get a huge boost, you'll have access to thousands of writers, including those who might have been Censored or Banned on other platforms like YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Joining Medium is a proactive choice against Cancel Culture.

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If you're considering making money on YouTube, you might want to read this woman's experience first so you have some idea of what to expect: Anastasia Petrenko, now a writer at
Hire talented native English speaking writers to create articles for your website.


Affiliate Programs & Resources for Webmasters

Favorite Affiliate Programs

Based on payment rate, high CTR or CPM, niche marketing, web publisher protection, referral commissions, ease of use, reliability, and reputation and recommendations from other webmasters.

The following sites are NOT listed in order of preference. They are all programs that are used on

In most cases, we earn referral revenue if you sign up through our links on this page.

We've used Linkshare since 1997.

Rakuten Affiliate Network Welcome Program
LinkShare Referral Banner
We've used this program successfully since AstroStar first went online in 1997. Their ads have mostly been on our Romantic Realms pages which aren't as high volume as the rest of the site. But FriendFinder has paid consistently and has done well through the years. They have all those terrific niche sites like Italian, Asian, Jewish, Outpersonals, Bondage, Amigos, Adult, German, Indian, French, Big Church, etc.

More Favorites

Big Kudos to! is what I've been waiting for! - This is my favorite company for our newsletter --- Finally!!!

It's been a long, arduous journey to find them. For those who have been getting the AstroStar newsletter these past 20 years, you know the trials we've gone through:

Yahoo Groups was fine for the first decade but often got hacked and was buggy.

Then I tried MailChimp - they're now quite pricey and notorious for blocking newsletters if you have one of their spam "keywords" in your newsletter. (You might never know why you got banned either - and they ban often without warning - Cancel Culture).

Then I tried Mail-List PHP for a few months. It's free on some server hosts but is not for the faint of heart to figure out. Oh, and it's easily hacked, which happened 3 months into using it. Neither my hosting company nor I could figure out how to get it running again. Not only is Mail List PHP NOT user friendly, it couldn't/wouldn't send the newsletter to my Gmail subscribers. Frustrations again. Back to searching for the perfect one which is MailerLite.

Send in Blue was confusing. I couldn't figure out their import address interface for starters. So much for that one...somewhere is the perfect newsletter service for me...

And then Eureka! I found MailerLite, my new beloved newsletter service. The best things in life sometimes are worth waiting for! I'm so grateful and so relieved.

In a nutshell, here's what I love about MailerLite:

  • It's SO user friendly. Why couldn't the others get on board with something like this???
  • It's amazingly simple but powerful. Play around with it. You'll be hooked like I was.
  • They're adding features all the time. (They obviously care about their product and customers)
  • It's free for the first 1000 subscribers. I knew that wouldn't apply to me. I have 1900+ subscribers, but after seeing how great MailerLite is, I signed up for $84 for one year which is a super good deal (compared to the others).
  • A nice bonus for all is that if you share MailerLite with others, you and they will get a $20 credit when they sign up. If they end up upgrading as I did, you'll get a $20 credit, too. Give $20, Get $20. I'd recommend them anyway!
  • So far, I haven't found anything I don't like about them. - It's free. We use to shorten those l-o-n-g affiliate links in our newsletter. If you use it, they'd love a donation at their website so we can all keep using it.

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