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    Alachua Audubon Society - A public service organization that seeks to advance appreciation of nature, to protect wildlife and wild places, and to promote the prudent, sustainable use of natural resources.

    American Society of Primatologists - We are an educational and scientific organization that aims to understand, conserve and learn from nonhuman primates.

    AnimalsVoice.com - Animals Voice.com is the offspring of The Animals Voice Magazine, an internationally acclaimed, mainstream-awarded animal rights newsmagazine which was published between 1986 and 1997.

    Bat Conservation International Bats are gentle, clean, and are essential to the balance of nature. The mission of Bat Conservation International is to protect and restore bats and their habitats worldwide.

    Beavers Wetlands and Wildlife - Dorothy Richards studied beavers for fifty years at Beaversprite Sanctuary, and spent decades enlightening the public about the species.

    Center for Biological Diversity - Protecting endangered species and wild places of western North America through science, policy, education, and environmental law.

    Center for Orangutan and Chimpanzee Conservation - The Center for Great Apes' mission is to provide a permanent sanctuary in a safe and enriching environment for orangutans and chimpanzees in need of permanent lifetime care.

    Center for Plant Conservation - The CPC is the only national organization in the U.S. dedicated exclusively to preventing the extinction of U.S. native plants.

    Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage - The Chimfunshi Wildlife Orphanage in central Zambia is a non-profit refuge that cares for a wide variety of sick, wounded or unwanted animals -- but the primary residents are approximately 80 orphaned chimpanzees.

    Chimp Haven, Inc. - incorporated in Texas in 1980 to provide sanctuary for the increasing numbers of chimpanzees no longer needed in biomedical research, unwanted as entertainers or as pets.

    Chimps, Inc. - offers a recuperative and retirement situation for chimpanzees to live out their lives in dignity. 

    Consejo Nacional de la Fauna - Asociación civil, sin fines de lucro dedicada a la conservación, desarollo y aprovechamiento racional de la Fauna silvestre de la República Meicana.

    Defenders of Wildlife - “We focus our programs on what scientists consider two of the most serious environmental threats to the planet: the accelerating rate of extinction of species and the associated loss ofbiological diversity, and habitat alteration and destruction.”

    Desert Tortoise Preserve Committee - Dedicated to the preservation of the desert tortoise and its habitat since 1974. The DTPC site includes a virtual field trip through the Desert Tortoise Natural Area.

    Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust - "Durrell Wildlife’s mission is to save wild animals from extinction."

    Earthtrust - "the global innovators for wildlife and the environment. Earthtrust is an international nonprofit organization which holds funds in trust for the earth, adhering to high standards of accountability and donor-direction of assets."

    Environmental Concern Inc. - Environmental Concern is a nonprofit organization dedicated to wetland restoration, research, and education.

    Given this, I thought you might be interested specifically in the Forestry guide. You can find it at the link below and can view our other guides under "Public Service Careers" in the top navigation on our website.

    Forestry Degree Programs - Forestry careers, internships, jobs available, scholarships, college programs.

    Forestry Degree Programs - Conservation, Wildlife, Horticulture.

    HawkWatch International - A non-profit environmental organization dedicated to the protection of eagles, hawks and falcons.

    Heritage & Wildlife Conservation Council - "HWCC’s mission is to effect changes in state laws and regulations to make them more flexible with regard to wildlife management so that private landowners will be motivated to exercise sound stewardship of their lands."

    Indigo Mountain Nature Center - A Sanctuary for captive born wildlife.

    International Society for Endangered Cats, Inc. - ISEC is dedicated to the conservation of wild cats throughout the world.

    International Wildlife Coalition - A wildlife protection organization fighting to save endangered species protect wild animals and preserve habitat and the environment.

    Izaak Walton League - To conserve, maintain, protect and restore the soil, forest, water and other natural resources of the United States and other lands...

    Leave No Trace - mission is to promote and inspire responsible outdoor recreation through education, research, and partnerships.

    Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation - for the purpose of furthering management and conservation of wildlife and fisheries resources through programs of research, education, and cooperation with other agencies.

    The Monkey Sanctuary - Its original aim was to provide a stable setting in which woolly monkeys, rescued from lives of isolation in zoos or as pets, could live as naturally as possible.

    National Fish and Wildlife Foundation - conserves healthy populations of fish, wildlife and plants, on land and in the sea, through creative and respectful partnerships, sustainable solutions, and better education.

    National Forest Protection Alliance (NFPA) - dedicated to the proposition that grassroots forest protection activists nationwide can organize themselves into a power-base to achieve positive, lasting social and environmental change.

    National Tropical Botanical Garden - The National Tropical Botanical Garden is engaged in the struggle to save the tropical plant world, which is under threat from all sides.

    National Wildlife Federation for Kids - This site includes a tour of environmental topics, games, riddles, animal and wildlife information, and a chance to test your environmental savvy.

    The Native Forest Network - The Native Forest Network is a global autononomous collective of forest activists, indigenous peoples, conservation biologists and non-governmental organizations.

    The Nature Conservancy - To preserve the plants, animals and natural communities that represent the diversity of life on Earth by protecting the lands and waters they need to survive.

    North American Butterfly Association - NABA, a non-profit organization, was formed to promote nonconsumptive, recreational butterflying and to increase the public`s enjoyment, knowledge and conservation of butterflies.

    Operation Wallacea - Operation Wallacea is a series of biological and social science expedition projects designed to underpin the achievement of specific wildlife conservation aims. 

    The Orangutan Network - provides a unique opportunity for private foundations to contribute to conservation and research on a species that they have on exhibit.

    Organelle : Cognitive Activism in defence of a Living World. - an integrational tool that grants and sustains essential personal, cultural and ecosystemic liberties against those who would commit atrocity in the name of profit in any domain whatsoever.

    ParkRangerEDU.org - How to become a park ranger and State and Federal Park Ranger Education.

    The Peregrine Fund - The Peregrine Fund is a non-profit organization that focuses on birds to conserve nature.

    Predator Conservation Alliance - Predator Project works to conserve and restore ecosystem integrity by protecting predators and their habitats -- saving a place for America's predators.

    Primate Conservation, Inc. - Primate Conservation, Inc., (PCI) is an all volunteer not for profit foundation [501(c)(3)] dedicated to studying,  preserving and maintaining the habitats of the least known and most endangered primates in the world.

    Primate Rescue Center - To alleviate the suffering of primates wherever it occurs...

    Project Primate, Inc. - Project Primate, Inc. is a United States 501C (3) not-for-profit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of chimpanzees, chiefly through the support and rehabilitation of chimpanzees who have been orphaned or otherwise taken from the wild, and through local public education.

    Protection of the Innocent and Endangered Animals - This site is a collection of safari resorts all around the world that hunt animals and take pride in killing these creatures. We want to let them know we will not tolerate such behavior and are going to fight for the preservation of these animals for generations to come.

    Rainforest Action Network - Since it was founded in 1985, the Rainforest Action Network has been working to protect rainforests and the human rights of those living in and around those forests.

    ReefGuardian International - ReefGuardian International: protecting coral reef essential fish habitat from dredging and ship groundings, and reef fish and their spawning aggregations from overfishing, fishtraps and bycatch.

    Sierra Student Coalition - The student-run arm of the Sierra Club: woking for wilderness, sustainibility and peace.

    Simian Society of America, Inc. - non-profit organization founded in 1957 to improve the welfare of primates in captivity. Composed primarily of private caretakers, membership also includes veterinarians, primatologists and zoological officials.

    Society for Ecological Restoration (SER) - Promote ecological restoration as a means of sustaining the diversity of life on Earth and reestablishing an ecologically healthy relationship between nature and culture.

    SPARO - an all volunteer, non-profit organization committed to helping wildlife. We are permitted by the state of Florida and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

    Urban Conservation Treaty for Migratory Birds - The Urban Conservation Treaty for Migratory Birds program is designed to help municipal governments conserve migratory birds that nest or fly through their cities.

    Wild Cat Education and Conservation Fund - Education: The key to Survival -- The goal of the WCECF is to educate the public about the decreasing population of wild cat species around the world and to provide funding for worldwide wild cat conservation.

    Wildlife Awareness Foundation - The Wildlife Awareness Foundation is dedicated to conservation through education, primarily in developing countries. We produce local-language videos and printed material.

    Wildlife Conservation Network - "The struggle to save endangered wildlife will be won or lost in hundreds of remote and challenging sites around the globe. Each place is unique, with its own particular conflicts between people and wildlife."

    Wildlife Conservation Research Unit - "The Wildlife Conservation Research Unit, known as the WildCRU, has a mission to achieve practical solutions to conservation problems by undertaking original research on aspects of fundamental biology relevant to wildlife conservation and environmental management. Our key objectives are to do good science in order to effect improvements in environmental policy."

    Wildlife Conservation Society - "Saving wildlife and wild lands."

    Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation, Inc. - Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation, Inc. (WRR) is a tax-exempt non-profit organization dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of orphaned, injured, and displaced wildlife.

    Wildlife Trust - Wildlife Trust conserves threatened and endangered species and their habitats in partnership with local scientists and educators around the world.

    Wild Way - Wild Way is dedicated to the preservation and survival of wild creatures and their habitats through our campaigns, activism, and by leveraging the power of the Internet to educate our supporters.

    WildGlobe - WildGlobe is a leading environmental portal site on the Internet.

    World Animal Foundation - Dedicated to the preservation and protection of the planet and the animal that inhabit it.

    World Wildlife Foundation - Known worldwide by its panda logo, World Wildlife Fund (WWF) is dedicated to protecting the world's wildlife and wildlands.

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