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    Related Article -
    Romantic Compatibility of Gemini through the signs.

    The Sexual Compatibility of
    Gemini with Cancer

    Amy E. Ellis

    These two meet and feel fortunate from their very first chat. A forceful physical attraction could lead to a sexual relationship. The key to making this relationship work is both must to be keen to forgive and forget.

    Gemini needs space and variety always, whereas Cancer concentrates on one person, place, or condition at a time. Cancer may mistake Gemini's requirement for outside encouragement as a sign of sexual refusal and Gemini will get annoyed by Cancer's emotional arguments and become disturbed quickly.

    On the reverse, Gemini can expel Cancer depression while Cancer provides warmth and security to Gemini. Either way, this attraction is a very good learning experience for Cancer and an emotional experience for Gemini.

    Astrosex: Gemini: How to Have the Best Sex According to Your Star Sign

    GEMINI with:
    Aries  |   Taurus  |  Gemini  |  Cancer  |  Leo  |  Virgo  |  Libra  |  Scorpio  |  Sagittarius  |  Capricorn  |  Aquarius  |  Pisces

    About the author, Amy E. Ellis has been studying Astrology for more than 25 years. Her work has been featured on the radio and several prominent websites. She is currently writing a series of Astrology books and lives in Los Angeles, CA.

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