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    Psychic Impressions for for 2015

    By Elissa Heyman

    Experiences in 2015 can be jolting, and lots of little mistakes made. Ignore them! And everybody else's bloopers will have a much better time. The atmosphere is less pressured the second half of this changing, moving year. Ultimately your consciousness will rise, and so will the collective's. Many have a change of course.

    Work hard and on faith until February, time of Aquarius. With creative projects, you have to be ok with rehearsal, repetition, and making a consistent effort for a couple of months.

    Expect that important goals can take awhile. Perseverance is needed before there's a big breakthrough (with many likely in August); never give up!

    "Freedom" is an even stronger rallying cry than in 2014, and there are also more bans lifted and more freedom allowed. It becomes easier to breathe if you're different. Human rights groups get stronger but extremists in many forms continue their own savage course, and a lot of people die in battles. Police in police states and U.S.A. continue their aggression.

    What to make of all of it...just keep moving forward and don't give up on your dreams!

    2015 defies pat descriptions because what defines it is its fluidity. Positive or negative, great energy flows into whatever you're creating, and you'll produce a lot of it. The changing, moving power of 2015 is yours to do whatever you want with. Heed the inner messages you get to let go of things...that's how you get somewhere new.

    Outgoing 2014 gives you a healing visualization to begin the New Year:

    "Looking back, it asks you to:

    "...Only recognize you have changed, and you're more self-aware and it matters not one whit what went into that change. It is done, the growth experiences served their purpose and you need not look back through those perspectives. Don't wait until you think you're ready...right this moment, stumble, stride, or walk into the New Year, feel yourself to be more stronger for whatever you went through in the past, and see your future self in front of you, way down the road, waving and happy that you are arriving at a surer, happier place by the end of the year. Happy New Year!"

    Psychic Horoscopes for 2015 - Read your Sun, Moon, and Rising Signs

    Fire Signs - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius: You make decisions based on feelings and how wonderful you imagine something might be, but these are mutable signs, meaning be good and sure before you make a commitment based on expectations.

    Water Signs - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces: This year requires fortitude and endurance for the changes you want to see. Some things must be given up to reach your goals. Let your strong feelings rise to the occasion!

    Air Signs - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius: The most important thing about making decisions is that you feel that there's a match between what you're moving towards and signing up for, and your capacity for it: you have to be ready for something. Do not overload your life or you'll be more aware of pressure than the accomplishments.

    Earth Signs - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn: There's a big surprise for earth signs! Those of you who have worked hard for it, get something they really want. You can have a plan that brings more harmony to your life and includes those you love.

    Aries: - It's not advisable to try to expand this year, something might be "less-than" or produce a diminished return; in some way you have to heed limits. What you want to have, own, or do takes awhile, or is delayed. Nevertheless, you find yourself in new spaces, being more on a cutting edge, showing the world what you can do.

    Taurus: wants a healing in their heart. There can be a lot of excitement and a lot of uncertainty about what you're planning, so you just gotta trust and wait it out if it goes slow. Ultimately, this year's goals are to end you up settled, serene, and soothed.

    Gemini: You have big ideas and your heart is in the right place, but watch the tendency to take on more than is physically and emotionally comfortable. Make it a point to listen to your body this year! You might be working through some illusions and getting to what is truly comfortable for you.

    Cancer: Cancer could be in very unfamiliar territory but it stills feels right to enter into it, and the best way is whole-heartedly. There's something exciting and a little dangerous about your direction this year!

    Leo: You're feeling better, more self-aware, and more content with your life and its direction. You know more what you're going for, what you're doing...your ideas are better for yourself and there are better opportunities. It's a year of moving in a more known and desired direction.

    Virgo: Your emotional well-being increases although it does look like there are changes in your emotional life. Success flows more easily to you and you're able to set up things much better after a change more in the beginning of the year. You can make successful business changes and location changes this year.

    Libra: Are you more alone than usual? Make good use of alone time, don't wonder about it. Signs suggests that it's a hands-on year of making things happen, but there are delays or periods in which you're not able to forward something or work on your idea or it takes awhile to get could be slowed down, in which case, make good use of your time!

    Scorpio: Specific life directions are kind of murky but clearly changing. You are more sure of something being true, love being there..and you being able to do what you want to do. Something significant works out for you this year.

    Sagittarius: You are loving life more, willing to learn and willing to dance. Recent times have made you stronger and street-wise. Travel solves some issues for you, too, as well as marking the end of one chapter and beginning a new. The year is about expanding in some new direction, and the fun of learning, and reconnecting with a healthier lifestyle.

    Capricorn: Work is particularly enjoyable and takes you to great places. You are happy with other people and have closer emotional encounters. You are also looking for new ways to present yourself and will find new angles to your career. Most important is that you take care of yourself-your health and well-being. In relationships, be willing to compromise.

    Aquarius: With more self-confidence now, you can come into your own, and the fulfillment is very gratifying. Watch your temper, get angry sometimes! You could be getting ready for a new role and judging everything from a new reality that's not quite here yet, but is on its way. A lot of questions get answered after February. Also, you could hit the jackpot financially.

    Pisces: This year has a "before" and "after", and "after", you will feel much better! You continue further, deeper, and more truly in the direction you've been going creatively. It's pioneering and very fun because you're in learning phases, and you don't really have to make big decisions, yet. It's a good year for partnering creatively with people and finding new outlets, new connections, and new ways to further your creative goals. Go to an island if you can.

    Elissa Heyman practices psychic counseling and spiritual healing in Santa Fe, NM, and by phone, anywhere, since 1979. She also facilitates spiritual healing and intuition circles. Phone; 1-505-982-3294. Elissa's website offers a free monthly newsletter, guided meditations, essays on metaphysical subjects, and personal guidance. You can sign up for Elissa's Monthly Psychic Newsletter here.

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