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    Check if a company is cruelty-free! Bunny Free lets you search for companies by name and tells you whether or not they test on animals. Browse all companies in the database, find cruelty free brands by product type, and share company testing results.

    Bunny Free uses data from the cruelty-free shopping guide published by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA). The information is updated on a regular basis.

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  • Here is a list of Companies at PETA that DO Testing on animals. (to avoid)

    Here is a list of Companies at PETA that DO NOT Test on animals. (to support)

    According to PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals), hundreds of thousands of animals are poisoned, blinded, and killed every year in outdated product tests for shampoos, household cleaners, cosmetics, hairspray, and other personal care and household items.

    Although more than 500 companies have banned all animal tests forever, some corporations still force substances into animals' stomachs and drip caustic chemicals into rabbits' eyes. These tests often produce inaccurate or misleading results. Even if a product has blinded an animal, it can still be marketed to you.

    To reduce animal suffering, refuse to buy cruel products. Anyone who cares about animals should examine their lifestyle and eliminate actions and products that cause harm. Consider also how your shopping affects animals. For example:

    • fur, even small bits of trim, comes from animals caught in cruel traps or kept in small wire cages;
    • Akubra hats - each Akubra hat is made from the fur of 10-12 killed rabbits;
    • leather is the skin of slaughtered animals;
    • feather down in doonas or sleeping bags comes from slaughtered birds;
    • wool involves the cruelty of mulesing and tailing, and all sheep end up at the slaughterhouse;
    • some souvenirs such as toy koalas are made out of animal parts, such as kangaroo skin;
    • raw silk is boiled out of silk worms.

    There are good, cruelty-free alternatives for all these products. Personal and household products can also involve cruelty. They may be tested on animals, or they may contain slaughterhouse products such as:
    • tallow, animal fat boiled out of slaughterhouse waste and used for most soaps;
    • gelatine, from the ligaments and feet of slaughtered animals;
    • elastin and collagen, from slaughtered animals.

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