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    Lucky Horoscopes   |   Metaphysical Shops


    2016 Astrology Highlights

    from the 'Skyscraping' Newsletter

    By Heliocentric Astrologer Philip Sedgwick

    Other Articles by Philip Sedgwick

  • Jupiter in Virgo (August 11, 2015 - September 9th, 2016)
  • Getting Through Mercury Retrograde
  • New Year Kick Off ~ 2 Jan 2016

    Happy New Year (Gregorian) one and all. Here's to 2016 being the best year yet, and let's get you scheduled in with a consultation or a report, shall we?

    To celebrate the New Year, Venus donned the party hat of Sagittarius a few days ago. Most should have felt some relief from the perceived pressures of economic transitions as one year ended and another began.

    Venus, now in optimistic and enthusiastic Sag, wants to know, where will you journey this year? As well, Venus whispers soothing statements to the Sun in Capricorn about her reinvigorated attitude that it takes money to make money. When Capricorn finally does relent, he will insist upon a list of priorities and look for deals that might exist in the wake of the holidays.

    Mars departs Libra in the next hours and heads into Scorpio within the next hours. Unlike Venus, Mars, co-ruler of Scorpio, doesn't mind being there. Gone will be considerations of if your partner, personal or business, will groove with equal measure as do you when pursuing professional objectives, spiritual aspirations, or activities that bring joy and contentment to life. Self-referential passion projects become the rage.

    Yep, Mars in Scorpio will render happier times - that is, if one holds nothing back that the soul seeks to fulfill. When inner passion aligns with intention and activity that reach into the deepest crevices of consciousness, good things may pass beyond go on the board game of life and collect indeterminate reward.

    Of course, until January 8th, Venus lines up on approach to Saturn in Sagittarius. It appears that Saturn stands on the trail ahead, from the current point of view, intending to block the path, mar progress and delay plans. However, as the first full week of the year unfolds, for those who engage and move forward with their plans fully tuned in with inspiration, it becomes clear that Saturn stands on the side of the road, not offering an impediment... only relevant cautions.

    Throughout the year Saturn will be near the massive Great Attractor (14 Sag 14), and for the most part, exerting influence all year long. This is exceptionally fortuitous given that:

  • One permits instantaneous insight blasts to offer real time psychic awareness of what lies beyond the next bend, or just over the next knoll. Tune into real world indicators.
  • One includes all incoming information. Process new input even if, especially if, it feels like a stretch past the familiar or useful. If the input works to enhance current agendas, keep it. If not, there's always the delete key.
  • One includes individuals with welcoming receptivity that looks beyond previously held assessments of individuals who look like that, talk like that, think like that.
  • One feels the natural gravitational pulls within the seat of the soul and how those drawing forces align with the greater cosmic directions in place.

    Sure Mercury dips into Aquarius this week, only to retrograde back into Capricorn. This is perfect. As Venus clears Saturn, Mercury, in boundless Aquarius, catches wind of all the ideas in the percolator and adds his ten cents, wraps around them and then reverses course into the density and pragmatism of Capricorn. Here he will ask, "How do we make this work? Are there any tax credits or rebates for that? Are there investors wise and savvy enough to board our team?"

    So, there's the kickoff of 2016. If you're not yet tracking, maybe a consultation would do the trick. Or take a little of that leftover holiday cash and invest in one of those low cost, high value Galactic Reports. If you're in the mood to upgrade your astrological foundation this next year, the Galactic Trilogy should do the deal. Order and book soon... just in time for to kick off the year in good fashion.

  • Philip can be reached at his website, PhilipSedgwick.com, Email Philip, Book a consultation or quick question with Philip, PH 520.888.1920.     (c) 2001-2016, Philip Sedgwick, All Rights Reserved

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