Tara Pierce © 1997-2024
Astrology Reports
Free Birth & Compatibility Charts
3 Signs You've Lived Past Lives
Lucky Days and Hours for Gemini
Use Your Life Path Number for Good Luck
Gemini Recipes
Horoscopes are based on Eastern Time.
Your Luck Factor:
10 - Most planets auspiciously
aspect your sun sign. Good luck abounds.
It's rare.
9 - Extremely lucky. Don't miss this opportunity!
8 - Very lucky!
7 - Odds are definitely still on your side.
6 - Lucky enough to at least try.
5 - Neutral luck.
4 - A shade unlucky.
3 - Fairly unlucky but there's still hope.
2 - Downright unlucky.
1 - Extremely unlucky. Caution.
0 - Nothing is ever this bleak.
There's always light in darkness. As bad as anything gets, the pendulum does swing again. Cycles.
Geminis born May 20-25 will experience something new - Pluto in Aquarius making an easy trine to your sign for the next three years! You can read about what's in store for you during this especially powerful and potentially life-enriching transit that started in March 2023: Pluto in Aquarius Gemini Lucky Horoscope for SEPTEMBER 2024
Intuitive Impressions for a Gemini who has been concerned about using their fireplace this winter. If you have an old, brick chimney that you haven't used for fear that it has a crack or is possibly a fire hazard, DO have it inspected before you use it. Get your Personal, Detailed Lucky and Unlucky Days for Life for only $79! Proven successfully on BBC TV.
The LUCKIEST GEMINIS this month were born June 7-13. Your Luck Factor is 7/8 all month. (Jupiter in Gemini)
Your Luck Factor is 8 on your Luckiest Days this month: September 13-17.
The UnLUCKIEST Geminis this month were born June 3-6.
Your Lucky Factor is 4/5 on your UnLuckiest Days this month: September 7-10. (Sun in Virgo/Saturn in Pisces)
ALL OTHER GEMINIS: Your Luck Factor is 6/7 on your Luckiest Days this month:
September 1 (am), 5, 6, 13, 15 (best day!), 19 (pm), 21, 23 (pm).
(Sun in Libra/Jupiter in Gemini)
September: 9, 15, 27, 34, 37, 39. Or, use your personal Daily Numerology Lucky Numbers Calculator (Recommended)
Gemini's Lucky Numbers are typically considered to be 5, 14, 23, and 32.
Your Most Important Lucky Number is the same as your Life Path Number.
Last Month's Lucky Horoscope
Born on the Cusp
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