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    The Path - Leadership Inspired

    By Chris Walker

    Website - www.ChrisWalkerOnline.com

    Chris Walker photo

    Leadership. Leadership...
    People often ask me about leadership and how to improve it through self management. I lead people in Nepal, in fact, I get paid to lead people into dangerous places in Nepal. People pay me to lead, so, it's a very exacting process. The client has the power to choose or not, my leadership. I have found two things important for leadership. They are: Knowing how to Manage the present, Knowing how to Lead the future.

    Download the Leadership Naturally Ebook

    1. Knowing How to Manage the Present
    2. Knowing How to Lead the Future.

    Managing the Present.

    To manage the present there should be no surprises. People need to feel good about where they are in order to be well motivated to move to where you want them to go. So, understanding human nature in this regard is essential. Rather than projecting values and expectations onto people, which is the surface of human nature, I'd recommend getting to understand the depth of the human condition, pre intervention; in other words, beneath the human ego-mind.

    To this end, the laws of nature provide a profound understanding.

    1. People grow at the border of chaos and order. Most don't like the chaos, hence they avoid it. By avoiding chaos, people stop growing, and nature destroys, or at least humbles anything that doesn't grow.
    2. Frustra are glass ceilings of human growth. When a person reaches their level of incompetence they get frustrated. In this circumstance don't blame the circumstance, the boss, or the person. It is a block in consciousness that's the problem. This can easily be fixed with willing players.
    3. Emotions are not truth but people identify with them and make them truth. Once a person has identified with an emotion, positive or negative, they become attached to that emotion almost to the death. Nature will, over and over, try to demonstrate that this attachment is unproductive. Ultimately, nature's final weapon against such attachment is terminal illness. But there are many warning signs before that.
    4. People are motivated at seven levels and these levels correspond with nature's seven levels of cellular structure. The lowest level of motivation is primal, reactive and un-trustable. The highest level is divine, unresponsive and untrustable. The median level of human motivation is called self-actualised (for those who don't like fluffy Eastern language) and for those who do, it's called the human heart.
    5. People who are in desperate circumstances are motivated at the most primal level. Desperation is sometimes environmental, such as war, famine, violent regimes and threat to livelihood. Desperation is mostly, (at least in first and second world countries) mental and emotional. Even a billionaire can be desperate around wealth. Or a healthy person can be desperate around health. It all depends on the mental state of that person.
    6. In the lower realms of motivation, people beat themselves up terribly. In nature it is commonly known that the environment outside is just a reflection on the environment inside. So, people who have low self value inside, attract devaluation on the outside. People who are hard on themselves on the inside get abused on the outside. People who are not trusting their intuitions get dishonoured (broken trust) on the outside.
    7. There are three things people want in life at the heart level of motivation. 1. Someone to love. 2. Something to do. 3. Something to look forward to. With these, most people at the heart level (sorry - self actualised level) will become self-managed, healthy and balanced individuals.
    8. A person operating at a self-actualised level will have three core behavioural values. Kindness, generosity and care (primarily for others).

    Manage the future

    If a person does not add value to another person's future, then, they are not a leader. No amount of leadership training skills, communications skills, personal mastery skill can change this fact. If people don't think that the person who is with them can improve their future, then, they do not, under any circumstances (other than desperation where the evaluation of improvement for the future is down to units of minutes and hours) hand power to that individual to lead.

    If a person does not have more clarity, confidence, wisdom, information, fact and proven experience for creating the future, they are deemed to be a fake. The only leadership they will achieve is by force or formal structure (not authentic or real). If there is no real value added by an individual for the future, then stress, conflict, disharmony, illness, production loss, arguments, negative team structures and low health - both mental and physical - will result. The only solution in these circumstances is blame. Blame works where the leader does not add real value but the individual has no choice but to subscribe to that leader's instruction. Blame just makes it possible to cope.

    You can add value to people's future by following nature's laws.

    1. The law of balance. People can't lead anyone or anything they cannot see the balance in. If a leader sees imbalance in anyone, then that individual is leading the leader.
    2. People can't lead something they are too close to. If a leader is part of the fun family, immersed in all the issues and dealing with all the emotions of the team, that leader is part of the problem of the future, not the solution.
    3. A person who is in desperation motivation can only lead those people who are more desperate than themselves. Nature's hierarchy. So, a leader needs to be, at least, higher than, if not at the level of self actualization in self motivation in order to lead a team.
    4. Infatuation leads to resentment. All nature grows at the border of chaos and order. A leader who promises a future of more order as a result of hard work and sacrifice, must either lead and run before people catch their trick or face the humiliation of having made promises they can't keep,
    5. Silent communication exists in nature. It also exists in teams. A leader who is guessing, hoping, wishing, praying for the future to turn out as they promised, is sunk. Leadership is transparent. If a person does not have adequate research, knowledge, facts, insights, education and experience to actually fulfill their promises, the team will feel it long before it happens.
    6.  People who express their emotions, are attached to their emotions, and can't keep a clear eye, cannot lead, they can only twist, manipulate and distort the promises of the future until the stage show is entertaining enough for people to forget their own intuitions. It's temporary. Nature has a higher order than the current season, or the storm that passes.
    7. In nature, there's a reason for everything. Ultimately, every sing leaf that falls, worm that crawls, ant that dies or volcano that erupts is linked together in a common, unified March toward a future. Nothing happens that cannot be linked to that higher order, reason. In leadership, if there is not a "higher" reason for what is being undertaken, then, by the law of gravity and human self-survival, fragmented teams, individual agenda's, personal castles, and boundary lines get drawn. If the leader cannot draw a clear enough and inspirational enough reason for unity, fragmentation and decay is the nature of it.

    More Articles by Chris Walker

  • Keeping Love Sacred
  • Peace of Mind is not Peace
  • Sacred Love - Healing a Broken Heart
  • Sacred Love - Never Go Back
  • Letting Go of Relationship
  • Love is the Deepest Of Human Awakenings
  • The Path - Leadership Inspired

  • BIO - Chris Walker - Australia's Spiritual Realist Christopher Walker is a global expert in the application of Nature to human development. He's known as the Anti Guru Guru, The Spiritual Pit bull and the Heart and Soul Guy. Mr Innerwealth. www.ChrisWalker.com.au Chris lifts people's spirits and opens their heart. He is the author of many best selling books including the The Laws of Nature for a Better Relationship and The Laws of Nature for a Better Business .

    Chris is an international change agent and keynote speaker on self leadership and personal change. He runs treks to the Nepal Himalayas each year leading groups and entrepreneurs on self-discovery journeys to the two highest trekking peaks in the world. Chris lives in Sydney Australia where you'll find him practising natural meditation techniques in Sydney Harbour on his racing ski or sea kayak. Chris Walker has also worked with the Indigenous communities in Canada.

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