Your Complete Sagittarius 2024 Personal Horoscope

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    (November 23 - December 21)

    Sagittarius image by (c) Jody Bergsma's Zodiac Art

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  • About Sagittarius

    Sagittarius is a Fire Sign

    The ninth Sign of the Zodiac which also rules the ninth House, the House of Philosophy.

    Sagittarius is ruled by the Planet Jupiter, Jupiter being the King of the Gods in Roman mythology. In the Zodiac Sagittarius is opposite of Gemini.

    Sagittarius is the Archer, and a Centaur, half man, half horse.

    What a Sagittarius is Like:

    Scholars and Learners, hotheaded and aggressive Intellectuals tending to be impulsive and independent.

    They are explorers and interested in mental learning as teachers and philosophers.

    Jupiter is the Planet of Luck and many Sagittarians indeed experience more than their share.

    They talk and exaggerate too much and have enormous confidence in themselves.

    They are outgoing and friendly, broad-minded and enthusiastic.

    Sagittarius' approach to life is straightforward, with a radiant nature, lots of vitality and an alert mind.

    They want to experience, know, try, explore.

    They are travelers, in fact or in their imagination and they like to go fast.

    They have a hard time finishing things because they don't have the patience, they don't have the time to bother.

    They are not shallow, they believe sincerely to the bottom of their heart; ideals become embedded in their soul.

    They are normally very straightforward and unimpeachable.

    The higher types lead the abundant life to the maximum.

    They bring happiness to others and contribute greatly to society in the areas of science, arts , religion and philosophy.

    Sagittarians have a positive outlook on life, are full of enterprise, energy, versatility, and enjoy travel and adventure.

    They are idealistic, ambitious, optimistic even when there are many disappointments.

    They are honorable, honest, and truthful with an innate sense of justice.

    They are good conversationalists and make good researchers.

    They are fast thinkers, are intuitive and often original, but are better at adapting than inventing.

    Sagittarians are ardent lovers sincere and passionate in Romance.

    Sagittarians are ardent, sincere and straightforward in love, normally conventional and in control of their sexual natures.

    Yet if thwarted, they may revenge themselves upon the opposite sex by becoming cynically promiscuous.

    Sagittarian women find it difficult to express affection and may run the risk of being thought frigid.

    The Little Book of Self-Care for Sagittarius:
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