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    April 19 - May 21

    Taurus image by (c) Jody Bergsma's Zodiac Art

  • Taurus Monthly Lucky Horoscope
    By Tara Pierce

  • Lucky Days and Hours for Taurus

  • Cell Salts for Taurus

  • Crystals for Taurus

  • Gifts for Taurus

  • Romantic Compatibility of Taurus

  • Sexual Compatibility of Taurus

  • Personality of Taurus

  • The Taurus Child

  • Famous Taurus

  • Professional Profile of Taurus

  • Taurus Recipes (offsite)

  • How to Attract a Taurus Man

  • About Taurus - Video

  • Tarot and the Sign of Taurus

  • Taurus Dog Sign

  • Taurus Cat Sign

  • April Birthstone

  • May Birthstone

  • Taurus Born in April

  • Taurus Born in May

  • April Born Characteristics

  • May Born Characteristics

  • About Taurus

    By Hypnotherapist and Astropsychologist Dr. Louis Turi

    Website: www.DrTuri.com

    Note: Dr. Turi grew up in Provence France, Nostradamus' birthplace. He uses the Nostradamus method of prediction which includes attributing only one sign for each month of the year, i.e., Taurus for May, Gemini for June, etc.

    About the Zodiac Star Sign Taurus

    Venus Governs the Beautiful and Financially Oriented Constellation Of Taurus

    Luxurious and elegant
    I have the memory of an elephant
    Loving all of life's finer pleasures
    Gifted am I at acquiring more coffers and treasures
    I am TAURUS, child of Venus.

    Characteristics For Those Born In May

    The month of May is governed by the planet Venus and by the reliable sign of Taurus. Others perceive you as beautiful, somehow stubborn and practical. You are the moneymaker sign of the Zodiac and you have stability and true love to offer to others. You need to control your jealousy, insecurity, and your authoritarian attitudes and avoid eating when upset. You are a gifted artist and strive for organization. You are also attracted to the professions of banking, real estate, the arts, computers, radio, television, Astropsychology, aeronautics, food, real estate and investigation, to name a few.

    Many "Bulls" will reach fame and fortune and enjoy the security of a beautiful and big house. Strong and dominant, you have inherited a deep intuition, a tremendous common sense, and a powerful will. Venus rules love and possession; you must avoid destructive thoughts pertaining to jealousy, stubbornness and insecurity. Learn to channel Venus' constructive powers towards creativity, diplomacy and love. If you behave in an insecure stubborn, sarcastic, destructive, or unattractive manner, you will lose it all in the end. Your down-to-earth approach to life must not interfere with your spiritual growth. Part of your lesson in this lifetime is to keep an open mind to the world of the spirit and use metaphysical information to ensure financial growth. Your desire for practicality and riches is legendary, but you will always regenerate with knowledge of New Age and metaphysical matters.

    You will courageously handle the difficulties of life with a solid attitude, and you inherited a beautiful nobility of purpose. Girls born in May are beautiful, classic, intellectual, magnetic, and sensitive, and will always combine Venus' beauty and sensual magnetism to attain their goals. You are meticulous and critical about your mate and it is important for you to marry someone well-groomed and well-respected.

    With you, love must last forever. Food is often on your mind; again, do not eat when you are upset. Remember to respect the Universal Law (see Moon Power), as your awareness and moon planning will become a major contribution towards reaching many of your dreams. The location of your natal Dragons Head or Tail will seriously alter the strengths or weakness of Venus in your chart.

    You can learn much more about yourself or anyone else by ordering Dr. Turi's most popular books: Beyond the Secret, I Know All about You: The True Power of Astropsychology, The Power of the Dragon, And God Created The Stars .

    The Characteristics of Taurus

    By Julie Hopkins

    A Taurus is a special kind of person with very unique characteristics. You may not have known that the Taurus likes to be the center of attention just like the counterpart in the animal kingdom. In fact, many people who are a Taurus tend to be very bullish or stubborn when it comes to interacting with other people.

    This can tend to be both a positive and a negative in certain ways. Positively, it can lead to a good sense of purpose and following through on projects and ideas. However, in some instances it may have the person seeing red when it comes to being able to handle any kind of criticism of what they may firmly believe in their mind.

    A Taurus will in many cases have a very big, boisterous personality which some people may say is abrasive while others would call it lighting up the room. They usually don't tend to shy away from the limelight and instead crave that kind of attention and opportunity to lead a group.

    On a purely intellectual level, the Taurus may not be a superstar, instead preferring to get things accomplished with brute strength or a proven strategy which may have worked well in the past. It would be good for a Taurus to learn to try new and better ways of doing things.

    The Astrology of Taurus

    Ruler of the Second House
    Element: Fixed Earth
    Key: "I Have"
    Symbol: The Bull
    Ruling Planet: Venus
    Exaltation: Moon
    Detriment: Mars
    Fall: no traditional fall
    Critical Degrees: 9 & 21
    Azimene Degrees: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
    Colors: Forest and deep, dark greens, brown
    Birthstone: Emerald
    Flowers: Rose, Buttercup
    Fragrance: Gardenia
    Metal: Copper
    Cell Salt: nat sulph
    Afflictions: sore throats, hay fever, earaches, obesity.

    Characteristics include: Stubbornness, possessiveness, materialistic, acquisitive, patient, practical, reliable, indulgent, self-reliant, apathetic.


    The identification of the constellation of Taurus as a bull may be quite old. Dr. Michael Rappengl of the University of Munich [1] believes that Taurus is represented in the Hall of the Bulls in the caves at Lascaux. The paintings are some 16,500 years old. One of the painted bulls is near a cluster of dots that looks like the Pleiades, and which is the correct position over its shoulder to be that asterism. The same pattern is found in pits in the floor, which could have been filled with oil and lit to recreate the lights of the Pleiades inside the cave, though there is no evidence that this actually happened.

    In Greek mythology, this corresponds with the bull-form Zeus took in order to win Europa, a mythical Phoenician princess, and thus father of Minos. As such, since it is necessary to traverse the area of sky known as the Sea to reach it when passing through the Zodiac, it forms the origin of the myth of the Cretan Bull, one of The Twelve Labours of Herakles.

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    Venus is the ruler of Taurus and Libra.