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    The LEO Page

    Related Article -
    Romantic Compatibility of Leo through the signs.

    The Sexual Compatibility of


    It's a powerful combination. When these two sexy signs come together, there is no telling what will occur. The energy of the attraction is unquestionable.

    There are possibilities for these two to have a lasting love affair. They either fall in love and get married, or have sex and become rivals forever.

    These two are obsessive, dedicated, powerful people who can match each other in just about every aspect of life. Only time will tell whether these two have long-term love.

    Sex will be another matter. Scorpio can anticipate having amazing sex with Leo. Leo will be intrigued sexually with Scorpio. Where it goes beyond that is completely dependent on them.

    Leo - Scorpio Couples:
    Maria Shriver (Scorpio) and Arnold Schwarzenegger (Leo)
    Bo Derek (Scorpio) and John Derek (Leo)

    Erotic Astrology:
    Leo Playmate:

    A relationship guide
    to understanding which
    sun signs are compatible
    and which collide
    in Leo's lair.

    Your Guide to the Leo Man

    Naked Leo

    The Sexual Compatibility of Leo with:
    Aries  |  Taurus  |  Gemini  |  Cancer  |  Leo  |  Virgo  |  Libra   |  Scorpio  |  Sagittarius  |  Capricorn  |  Aquarius  |  Pisces

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