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    Related Article -
    Romantic Compatibility of Pisces through the signs.

    The Sexual Compatibility of Pisces and Taurus

    By Amy E. Ellis

    Money will play an important role in this relationship. Taurus will take one look at Pisces and want to gamble away his or her life savings. There will be tons of sex appeal and Taurus will be madly "in love" with the image that comes with Pisces. Pisces will find Taurus shares a taste for the good life and these two will bond instantly. They will love going out together and will travel far together.

    Food and music will play important roles in the relationship. Sex could be intense and may lead Pisces to finally commit. Taurus will introduce Pisces to new and interesting people. Pisces will keep Taurus feeling financially secure.

    If both desire a lasting relationship, Taurus will need to be more independent and sexual while Pisces will need to spend some cash.

    About the author, Amy E. Ellis has been studying Astrology for more than 25 years. Her work has been featured on the radio and several prominent websites. She is currently writing a series of Astrology books and lives in Los Angeles, CA.

    PISCES with:
    Aries  |   Taurus   |   Gemini  |   Cancer   |   Leo  |   Virgo   |  Libra   |  Scorpio  |   Sagittarius  |   Capricorn   |   Aquarius  |   Pisces

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