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  • The Sexuality Compatibility of Virgo through the signs.

  • Virgo Compatibility Through The Signs

    By Myriam Maytorena, M.Ed

    Virgo can be intrigued by Aries's audaciousness, but Virgo's prudent ways soon clash with Aries's colorful personality. They have difficulty communicating, because Virgo wants to talk and Aries wants to act. Their arguments will probably be more passionate than their lovemaking. Aries will think Virgo is inhibited; Virgo will consider Aries impulsive and wild. Aries likes a flamboyant social life. Virgo is happy with quiet, intellectual friends. Aries is also the type to bring out Virgo's worst habits of nit-picking and nagging. Exit romance.

    Virgo is analytical while Taurus is sensuous, but Taurus's strong passions can spark Virgo. If that happens, they make lovely love. Practical, down-to-earth, satisfied with the tried-and-true, these two have much in common. Both try to build for a secure future, both are homebodies, both share a fondness for money. Virgo's rational approach and Taurus's persistence are also a good moneymaking combination. Auguries couldn't be more promising.

    They are attracted to each other because of a mutual interest in intellectual ideas. Both have active minds, but the rapport ends there. Gemini's amorous nature Is too impulsive and unstable to suit Virgo. Gemini dismisses Virgo as a stick-in-the-mud. Virgo considers Gemini irresponsible and adolescent. Gemini needs freedom to pursue its varied interests. Virgo resents this, and will nag and try to dominate. Gemini will soon stray to other lovers.

    A stimulating affair, for they arouse each other's beneath-the-surface sensuality. Cancer isn't too forceful, which suits Virgo fine. And the little attentions won't be neglected, which suits Virgo even better. Cancer is affectionate and sentimental, and that makes Virgo feel secure. This couple also likes money and domestic comfort, and Cancer's dependency fits perfectly with Virgo's protectiveness. On the downside, both tend to be overcritical. On the upside, each draws the other out of its shell.

    Highly physical Leo takes it as a personal affront if Virgo doesn't match its leonine ardor. Virgo's passive and reserved nature frustrates Leo and leads to quarrels. Virgo isn't quick to hand out praise, and Leo lives on nothing but. Leo is a spendthrift, Virgo is careful with pennies. They're both very independent, but Leo exhibits this in a temperamental way while Virgo is very private. Virgo simply will not be dominated by tyrannical Leo, and always has its guard up. This affair has a shorter life than a May fly.

    All is smooth sailing as long as these perfectionists curb their instincts for finding fault. Actually, they bring out the very best in each other. They are responsible, sensitive, intelligent, and take love seriously. They also share passions of the mind, and will never bore each other. important things in Both think that there are more' life than sex; they may end up just talking in bed. There will probably be a continual contest over who is leader, but they have too much else in common for that to matter.

    Libra is too frivolous and shallow for Virgo's taste. Libra enjoys spending money, going to parties, and being the center of attention. Virgo criticizes and makes Libra feel unloved. Libra may tap Virgo's hidden sensuality but their personalities are altogether too different for real compatibility. Virgo will try to curb and dominate Libra's fickle and outer-directed nature. Virgo is reserved and practical, and Libra views this as a personal rebuff. Libra will soon drift away in search of more fun-loving companions.

    Sensual Scorpio keeps trying to entice Virgo into ever bolder sexual adventures. But Virgo is pleased because Scorpio is also possessive and fiercely loyal, which makes Virgo feel loved and protected. They also admire each other's minds. Virgo is logical, intellectual, analytical. Scorpio is imaginative, visionary, perceptive. Each sometimes has trouble expressing real feelings: Scorpio is volatile but secretive; Virgo is self-restrained and reserved. There may be some conflict about who runs things, but Virgo's willingness to compromise keeps Scorpio tractable.

    These two are like the grasshopper and the ant. Sagittarius's free spirit has nothing in common with hardworking Virgo. Sagittarius has a reckless gambler's spirit, while Virgo carefully builds for future security. Both are intellectual signs but the way their minds work clashes with each other. Sagittarius is expansive and extravagant, while Virgo prefers a simple, ordered, and unpretentious life. Sagittarius considers Virgo's sexual attitudes rather prudish, and won't stay long in one bedroom anyway.

    A harmonious pair. Capricorn's ambition and drive for success meshes well with Virgo's perfectionism and energy. Both are diligent, disciplined, and have a sense of purpose. They admire one another and take great pride in pleasing each other. Both need respect and approval (though neither will confess this), and each intuitively gives the other exactly that. Sexual compatibility becomes a mutual achievement; in lovemaking, though, Capricorn usually takes the lead.

    They are both rational, intellectual, and tend to view love in the abstract but the similarity ends there. Aquarius has venturesome ideas and thinks Virgo unresponsive or cold. Actually, each has a distant quality: Virgo is cautious about emotional giving; Aquarius's thoughts are in the far-off clouds. Aquarius is interested in other people, in causes, and in setting the world right. Virgo seeks personal achievement and financial security. Aquarius is outgoing, inventive, a visionary. Virgo is reserved, prudent, and very practical about its ambitions. This couple may not even make it as friends.

    To Virgo, love means security and mental compatibility. To Pisces, love is a sweeping, all-enveloping emotion. At first Virgo is powerfully attracted to Pisces, as opposites often are: sentimental, in-love-with-love Pisces is very intriguing to Virgo, and Pisces is fascinated by Virgo's incisive, analytical mind. However, disillusion quickly sets in. Pisces's extravagance, secretiveness, and dreaminess frustrate pragmatic, orderly Virgo. Also, Virgo isn't likely to adapt to some of Pisces's sexual preferences.

    All About Virgo: An Astrological Guide to Personality, Friendship, Compatibility, Love, Marriage, Career, and More!

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